The best 19 books of 2023 recommended by your favorite book YouTubers

Lonesome Viking here, and let me tell you, the best book of 2023 is a secret I can’t keep. "Lonesome" is hands down the greatest read, with characters that will blow your mind. It’s a masterpiece, and I couldn’t put it down. It raised the bar for Westerns, and it’s my top pick. Embrace the Viking legacy and pick up this gem at your local library. Trust me, you won’t regret it! 📚🔥


In the world of booktubing, top creators share their favorite books of 2023 with a monthly video series. In this article, we’ll dive into the top 19 books recommended by popular booktubers. From fantasy to science fiction, there’s something for every book lover.

Relationship with Booktubers

The relationship between booktubers and their audience is unique. With regular video uploads, they share their passion for literature and connect with fellow book enthusiasts. These recommended books have been carefully curated by booktubers who are dedicated to their craft.

Lonesome: A Must-Read 📖

Viking reveals "Lonesome" as the best book he’s read this year. The book’s incredible character development has left a lasting impression on him. Larry McMurry’s skillful portrayal of characters has set a high standard for western literature, making "Lonesome" a remarkable read.

Year Book Recommended by
2023 Lonesome Viking

Lightbringer: A Unique Fantasy Christmas Tale 🎄

With the theme of Christmas at its core, "Lightbringer" stands out as a unique and timely fantasy novel. Written by Steven Golit, it’s a must-read that beautifully combines fantasy elements with the festive spirit. Booktuber Hearn praised the book’s world-building and character connections, making it a standout read.

Aoral: A Desert Fantasy Adventure 🏜️

"Who" by Aoral takes readers into a fantasy world that delves into the themes of feeling like an outsider and combating evil forces. The immersive world-building and strong friendships make this desert fantasy a compelling read, as recommended by Booktuber Johan.

Dark Matter: A Breakthrough in Sci-Fi 🌌

Vikings’ favorite pick, "Dark Matter" by Blake Crouch, offers an enthralling sci-fi experience. With a captivating narrative and surprising twists, the book is a testament to outstanding storytelling. It is a standalone novel that is sure to captivate readers with its unique concepts and pacing.

Year Book Recommended by
2023 Dark Matter Viking

Dynasty: A Masterpiece Series 📚

The "Dynasty" series has left an indelible mark on booktubers, with its continuous improvement and captivating storytelling. Booktuber Lanna highly recommends the series, praising its remarkable plot development and world-building, making it a standout choice for readers.

Red Rising: The Journey of Heroism 🚀

Pierce Brown’s "Red Rising" series marks a significant milestone in the author’s career, luring readers into an enchanting realm filled with heroic tales. The mesmerizing storytelling and incredible payoff make it a series worth diving into, as shared by Booktuber Andrew Giver.


As booktubers share their top picks for 2023, a diverse array of genres and themes emerges. From captivating sci-fi adventures to gripping fantasy tales, these recommended books are a treasure trove for avid readers seeking their next literary adventure.

Key Takeaways:

  • Diversity of recommended books across genres
  • Unique themes and immersive storytelling
  • Endorsement from respected booktubers


What makes booktubers’ recommendations valuable?
Booktubers provide authentic and passionate insights into their favorite reads, guiding readers to discover exceptional books they may have overlooked.

What genre trends are prominent in the top book picks?
The top booktubers’ picks showcase a diverse range of genres, from fantasy and sci-fi to dystopian and standalone novels, presenting a rich tapestry of literary choices.

This article covers the top 19 recommended books of 2023 featuring books across various genres, each endorsed by respected booktubers. These selections offer a compelling glimpse into the literary landscape of 2023.

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